- accident-proneness
- • предрасположенность к происшествиям• склонность к происшествиям
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Accident-proneness — is the conception that some people have a predispositions to be more likely to have accidents, such as car crashes and industrial injuries, than other people. It may be used as a reason to deny an insurance.Early work The early work on this… … Wikipedia
accident proneness — The propensity of an individual to suffer (or cause) more than an average number of accidents. This is of particular interest in industrial and organizational psychology, which is anxious to analyse the causes of accidents in the workplace in… … Big dictionary of business and management
accident proneness — Tendency towards being involved in or contributing to accidents … Black's law dictionary
accident proneness — Tendency towards being involved in or contributing to accidents … Black's law dictionary
accident-prone — [ak′sə dənt prōn΄] adj. having an apparent tendency or inclination to become involved in accidents accident proneness n … English World dictionary
Склонность к несчастным случаям и техника безопасности (accident proneness and prevention) — Несчастные случаи яв ся осн. причиной смерти, острой госпитализации и инвалидности во всех возрастных группах. Исслед. в психологии преим. фокусируются на трех областях, в к рых несчастные случаи привлекают к себе особое внимание: несчастные… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Accident — For other uses, see Accident (disambiguation). A railing accident at a college football game, spilling fans onto the side lines An accident or mishap is an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance, often with lack of intention or nece … Wikipedia
proneness — noun being disposed to do something accident proneness • Derivationally related forms: ↑prone • Hypernyms: ↑disposition … Useful english dictionary
accident analysis — The use of analytical techniques drawn from ergonomics to identify the causes of accidents, to recognize potential hazards in the workplace, and to create action plans for reducing the risks of injury and system damage. See accident proneness … Big dictionary of business and management
Склонность к несчастным случаям — (accident proneness) – термин, предположительно, К.Марбе (1926), обозначает тенденцию некоторых лиц чаще подвергаться несчастным случаям, чем если бы они происходили согласно теории вероятности … Энциклопедический словарь по психологии и педагогике
Carelessness — is lack of concern about the consequences of an action, and by extension, the behavior that results from that lack of concern. Carelessness has been hypothesized to be one possible cause of accident proneness. See also * Impulsivity * Negligence… … Wikipedia